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Top 10 Best Places To Find Free Business Plan Templates

For most people, writing a business plan is a tough task. But not anymore. At present, you will find plenty of free business plan templates online that are easy to use and will help you create an effective document for your business. In this article, we’ll look at the top 10 best places to find free business plan templates so you can get started right away.
Starting a business is not easy. It requires a lot of planning and dedication. And herein lies the importance of having a business plan. When crafted correctly and thoroughly, a business plan document not only puts you on track to proper growth and effective strategies but becomes the all-important tool for pitching for funding to potential investors.

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a document that carries your written business goals, and ways to achieve them and also mentions the time frame within which you intend to achieve the business goals.

A start-up business venture often commits the mistake of sourcing people, the amount of investment needed, profit margin estimation, selecting target customers, etc. Most of these problems can be considerably reduced if you create a properly planned business plan.

The business plan generally projects 3-5 years ahead and outlines the route a company intends to take to reach its yearly milestones, including revenue projections. According to your needs, you can create two types of business plans.

One is a simple business plan,  normally a one-page or two-page document, and a comprehensive business plan providing an in-depth analysis regarding funding, market analysis, organizational planning, etc.

The other is a much more detailed business plan document for bigger ventures. It can be 100 pages long.

Here we have compiled top free business plan template download sources that will help you in creating your desired business plan.

List of 10 Best Places to Find Free Business Plan Templates

1. Score’s Free Business Plan Template

Score is an American nonprofit organization. They provide actionable inputs for startups to launch and run a business venture.

The Score business plan template is available in pdf and word format. The basic template is a general one. However, you can modify it according to your requirements.

To get a complete business plan for your venture, you have to finish 11 worksheets. One additional advantage of Score is that you contact a Score mentor in person or online for further input.


  • Free mentoring
  • Interactive tools
  • Comprehensive resources


  • Mentoring may require appointment
  • Website can be overwhelming

2. U.S. Small Business Administration Business Plan Template

SBA’s Business Plan Tool provides you with a step-by-step guide to help you get started. All of your information entered into this tool can only be viewed by accessing your account using the password you have specified.

Not only can you save your plan as a PDF file, but you can also update it at any time, making this a living plan to which you can often refer.


  • Government-backed reliability
  • User-friendly interface
  • Extensive resources


  • Basic design
  • Limited customization

3. Bplans

Bplans provides a vast collection of free business plan templates and other business planning resources. Some of the striking features are hundreds of free sample plans, financial planning tools, industry-specific templates.


  • Wide variety of templates
  • Financial calculators
  • Industry-specific options


  • Requires sign-up for download
  • Some features behind a paywall

4. LawDepot’s Business Plan Templates

LawDepot offers free business plan templates with a focus on legal and operational details. You can download LawDepot’s free business plan template free with a trial subscription. However, if you don’t want to continue you need to cancel it within a week.


  • Comprehensive legal details
  • Easy to customize
  • Free version available


  • Limited free access
  • Some features require payment

5. HubSpot

HubSpot offers a free, downloadable business plan template that’s easy to use. They provide stp by step guide along with a marketing plan integration.


  • Simple to use
  • Marketing-focused
  • Free to download


  • Limited design options
  • Focused primarily on marketing

6. provides a variety of free business plan templates for different industries. Some of the popular features are industry-specific templates, editable formats, and downloadable content


  • Wide range of industries
  • Editable and printable
  • Regularly updated


  • Requires sign-up for download
  • Advertisements on site

7. PandaDoc

Pandadoc is another popular addition to our list of free downloadable business plan templates providing a platform. Some of the key fatures of PandaDoc are Customizable templates, electronic signatures, and integration with other tools.


  • Comprehensive documentation tools
  • Easy integration
  • Electronic signing


  • Some features require payment
  • Limited free access

8. JotForm

JotForm provides customizable business plan templates with easy-to-use form-building tools. Some of the popular features of JotForm are customizable forms, drag-and-drop editor, and integration with other platforms.


  • Easy to use
  • Highly customizable
  • Integrates with other tools


  • Some advanced features require payment
  • Requires sign-up

9. Smartsheet

Smartsheet offers a variety of business plan templates with project management features. This website offers features like project management integration, customizable templates, and collaborative tools.


  • Project management capabilities
  • Collaborative features
  • Customizable


  • Requires subscription for full access
  • Learning curve for new users

10. TidyForm

TidyForm offers a selection of free business plan templates in Word and PDF formats. Some of the key features are downloadable templates, multiple formats, and easy to edit templates.


  • Variety of formats
  • Easy to customize
  • Free access


  • Basic design
  • Limited advanced features

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find industry-specific business plan templates?

Bplans and offer a wide range of industry-specific templates.

Which platform is best for legal-focused business plans?

LawDepot is ideal for legal and operational planning details.

Are there any websites that offer project management features with their templates?

Smartsheet integrates project management tools with their business plan templates.

What is the best free resource for comprehensive business planning?

SBA and Score provide extensive resources and mentoring for small businesses.