Looking for unique and catchy newspaper business names? If yes, you are in the right place. If you have planned to start a newspaper business, you have to think of a suitable name for it. The newspaper name is the introduction and identity of your Newspaper to the readers as well as the advertisers. Therefore you have to think deeply and choose a suitable name.
You must select a name that is meaningful and easy to understand. Do thorough homework and research before choosing the name. You can consult experts also. In the case of a local newspaper, try to include some local flavor in the name.
After you finalize the name, write it down in a good font and size to make it the masthead of your Newspaper. You can take the help of a professional artist to design the masthead or title. This is very important, as the Newspaper is later recognized by the style of the masthead.
Choose the name according to the type of your Newspaper business. If it is about serious hard news, then choose a serious name. It is a must to take the opinions and advice of others while selecting the name for your newspaper.
Catchy Newspaper Business Names
Find below a list of selected catchy newspaper name ideas:
- Independent Morning
- Inside Daily Newspaper
- Day Break Weekly
- Daylight News
- Morning Lodestar
- Diem Press
- Prime Daily Sun Newspaper
- The Patriot Bulletin
- Sunrise Record
- Public Record
- Record Daily Newspaper
- Record Morning
- Pioneer Daily
- Pioneer Time Newspaper
- Sunup Sentinel
- The News Glory
- Journal Daily
- The Lodestar Gazette
- Mail Morning
- Daily Day Break
- Report Morning
- Unity Evening
- Morning Network
- Patron Morning
- The Ultimate
- Time Square
- Spice up
- Mad book
- Boring stuff
- Paragon Daily
- Records High
- Newsday
- The news forum
- Rocky Mountain News
- The New’s era
- The street’s news
- Time
- The daily emporium
- Enquirer
- Evening Enterprise
- Press
- Patron news
- Leader
- The news gallery
- Entrepreneur
- The daily edition
- Messenger
- The diary
- Outlook
- The daily guide Eagle
Cool Name Ideas for Small Newspapers
Find below a list of selected cool newspaper name ideas:
- The headlight
- Eagle
- Appeal
- The Independent
- Wake Forest
- Los Angeles Times
- News channel
- Cool Gazette
- Aurora Daily
- The Leading Chronicles
- The Lodestar Gazette
- Sunbeam
- Dealer
- Trapped
- Orlando Sentinel
- Columbus Dispatch
- Charlotte Observer
- Indianapolis Star
- Houston Chronicle
- News Barrier
- Kids miracle
- The Break of Day Inquirer
- The Globe
- Courier
- Current
- Daily
- Daily Mirror
- Discovery
- Dispatch
- Eagle
- Echo
- Enterprise
- Examiner
- Exponent
- Express
- Eye
- Forum
- Globe
- Guardian
- Guide
- Herald
- Humbug
- Inquirer
- Intelligencer
- Islander
- Juggernaut
- Reflector
- Repository
- Sentry
- The Ultimate
Creative Newspaper Business Names
Find below a list of selected creative newspaper name ideas:
- Good Morning Media
- Lawndale Tribune
- Adventist Press
- Creative Edge
- The Citizen
- Globe Post
- Free State Times
- News Everyday
- Daily Sun
- Ridge Times
- Fourways Review
- Media Publications
- Morning News
- Silver News
- Beacon Newspapers
- Church News-Press
- Daily News Discovery-
- New View Monitor
- Wide Mountain
- Ledger
- Five Word Bulletin
- The Ultimate
- Dr.wise’s Edition
- South Republic
- The Sunrise Tabloid
- Early Post
- Breva bee
- Category Express
- The Thinker
- The Freeway Eagle
- Edward’s Telegraph
- Lanett & Valley News
- The Summerhill Discovery
- Living Chronicle
- Explorer Record
- The Dayspring Times
- Morrow Weekly
- Weekly Capital
- The Saturday reporter
- The Leading Chronicles
- Morning Globe
- Local Morning
- Local Voice Times
- Lodestar Daily
- Lodestar Weekly Herald
- Look Back Daily
- Look Back Morning
- National News Source
- New View Monitor
- Pantograph
Innovative Names of Newspapers
Find below a list of innovative newspaper name ideas:
- Post & Globe
- Press Daily
- Prestige Standard
- Prime Daily Sun
- Prime Daily Sun Newspaper
- Prime Evening
- Prime Morning
- Public Patriot Tribune
- Public Record
- The whiteFort Courant
- The Wishlander
- Vanguard
- Minute to win it
- Wake Forest
- Fist bump
- Riverfront
- Watch it
- Under armour
- Fast tracks
- Variety
- Vindicator
- Visionary
- Voice Daily
- Night mist
- Morning mist
- News Barrier
- News up right
- Morning coffee
- Credits
- Everything in one
- Reader’s mind
- Oracle beeps
- Reader’s choice
- Fantastic day
- Empower globe
- International glimpse
- Solid news
- Roasted words
- Era Daily
- Right era
- Community Newspapers
- Vision Times
- Post Weekly
- Times Dispatch
- Headlights Time
- Apparel News
- Pipers News
- Connections Newspaper
- The News Essence
- Early Post
Newspaper Business Name Ideas in India
- India Insight Daily
- The Bharat Herald
- Hindustan Chronicle
- The Nation’s Voice
- Desi Dispatch
- The India Observer
- Unity Times
- The Morning Call India
- Vibrant India Post
- The Indian Tribune
- New India Gazette
- Cultural Times
- The Patriot Post
- Times of Diversity
- The Swaraj Sentinel
- India Today Journal
- Metro Mirror
- Rising Bharat News
- Vision India Bulletin
- The Indian Lamp
- State Spotlight News
- Daily Darpan
- Progressive Post
- The Nation Nexus
- Herald of Hope
- India Perspective Daily
- Voice of the Valley
- Urban India Express
- Golden Horizon Times
- Daily Surya
- Sanskriti Sentinel
- The Grassroot Gazette
- The Indic Beacon
- Eastern Times India
- Global Bharat Post
- The Reflective Reader
- Insightful India News
- Breaking Bharat
- IndoSphere Daily
- The Indian Spectrum
- Bharatiya Bulletin
- Rural Report
- Daily Democracy News
- Urban Pulse India
- The Integral Indian
- Next Nation News
- Epoch India Times
- Tricolor Tribune
- The Progressive Print
- The Indian Vanguard
Funky Newspaper Names
Find below a list of selected funky newspaper name ideas:
- Faded Words
- Right Era
- TheBeacon Gazette
- Cool Gazette
- Roughwords
- Mirrorless
- Soar truth
- Chirp & Chant Post
- The Better Leader
- The Sunfly
- Odde Press
- First Able News
- Alex Herald
- Elegent Messenger
- Time Observer
- City Scoop
- Disculture
- Soul Talk
- Eco Observer
- Fan Official
- Verified
- Agent Analysis
- Inside Authority
- Data Loop
- Cover Source
- Backstream
- Distillate
- Indigo Leaf
- Huckle & Elm
- Arlo & Dusk
- Modern Fount
- Augment
- The Phenom
- Reporters watch
- Kids miracle
- Blinky eyes
- Weekly Relay
- Fictionless Truth
- Magic mystery
- Sherlock’s journal
- The News Glory
- Union Daily Observer
- Sunrise Record
- Look Back Daily
- Capital Talk
- Planet Pulse
- Headline Facts
- Earth News
- Paper Crafts
- Trailer Life
Funny Newspaper Name Ideas
Find below a list of selected funny newspaper name ideas:
- Top Notch News
- Clever Circulation
- Circulation Situation
- Grab Info
- More Than News
- Well Printed
- Send To Print
- News Dreams
- Cover News
- Cover Stars
- Miss News Star
- News Queen
- On The Scene
- Dare To Be Different
- Meganews
- Made Well
- On The Scene
- Pro Publishers
- More To Info
- Circulation Creation
- Better Circulation
- Prime Paper
- Max News
- Maximize
- Perfected Pages
- Purposeful Pages
- Original Output
- Print Loyalty
- Abcatalogue
- Catalogged
- Creative Coverage
- Your Copy Here
- Your Name Here
- New Edition
- Fontface
- We Have Issues
- News Compact
- Real New Real Quick
- Freedom News
- New Way Magazine
- NewSearcher
- They Talk Newspaper
- Lets Talk
- Hot Interviewer
- People Do
- Stay-in-Touch
- Cuddle Focus
- Melody Focus
- Family Handyman
- All About You
Thoughtful Newspaper Names
Find below a list of selected thoughtful newspaper name ideas:
- Mega News
- Ideal News
- Overboard
- Pure Growth
- Enable News
- News Savvy
- The News Insider
- News Circle
- PubliKate
- Buzz Envelope
- Unvent
- Real News Effect
- Decoding the Happenings
- Pot Stirred
- Roar
- Utterance
- The Art of News
- Sacraments
- R’ticulate
- Syllabic
- Just Semantics
- Down the Pipe
- Wripple
- The Written Tongue
- Information Boutique
- Influential Stanley
- E-nunciate
- Requia
- Blatant News
- Eavesdrop
- Moral Authority
- Manifest Media
- Skywriter
- Overt Communications
- Route Collective
- Analysis Articulated
- Modern Slant
- Constant Current
- Scoop Facts
- memecast
- No Gap News
- BrainFood News
- Feed Your Thoughts
- Powerful Freedom
- Liberty News
- Anonymous Voice
- Borderless News
- Century Records
- Point Visible
- Spread Voice
Classic Name Ideas of Newspapers
Find below a list of selected classic newspaper name ideas:
- Content and Capture
- Create for the Crowds
- Direct and Delicious
- Impression News
- Superstation News
- Social Sweeps
- Flow Media
- Call-to-Action
- Content Corral
- Outreach
- News Domain
- To Lead
- Pathway News
- Movement Maker
- Voices
- Stronger Voices
- Carry Over News
- Proper Platform
- Platform Pros
- Platform Foundation
- Founding Platform
- Diverse Direct
- Platform Pathways
- Pathways to Platforms
- Special Delivery
- Eye to Eye
- Facts Gazette
- News Bird
- Updater
- Headline Facts
- Fresh Headline
- Top Talk
- WorldsPaper
- Global Focus
- Achievers
- Current Trends
- Update
- The Optimum
- News Scrutiny
- Bulls Eyes
- Present Tense
- Street Wall
- Grand Coverage
- Impression
- Zoom-In
- Divine Life
- Reflection Life
- Status Review
- Reality Review
- Form Focus
Local Newspaper Business Names
Find below a list of selected local newspaper name ideas:
- The Regional Herald
- The National Journal
- Oregonian
- Miami Herald
- The National Tribune
- The New Journal
- Baltimore Sun
- St Petersburg Times
- Atlanta Journal & Constitution
- The New Telegram
- The Northern Herald
- World Press
- Zenith Daily
- The Northern Mirror
- The Nova Journal
- Record Time
- Regional Star Daily
- The Nova Record
- The Observer Mirror
- Post & Globe
- Prestige Standard
- The Paragon Chronicle
- The Paragon Tribune
- The Diem Herald
- Aurora Daily
- Morning Local
- The Insider Inquirer
- Eyewitness Daily
- Evening Morningtide
- Dawning Time
- Explorer Record
- The Dayspring Times
- Weekly Capital
- The Saturday reporter
- The Leading Chronicles
- Morning Globe
- Morning Independent
- Pioneer Weekly
- Evening Pioneer
- Morning Star Daily
- Daily Chronicles
- Weekly News
- Journal Daily
- The Lodestar Gazette
- Daily Day Break
- Report Morning
- Unity Evening
- Morning Network
- Patron Morning
- Los Angeles Gazette
Perfect Newspaper Business Names
Find below a list of selected perfect newspaper name ideas:
- The whiteFort Courant
- The Core Issue
- Instant Monitor
- The Crest Journal
- The Rocky Mount
- The News Wave
- Stoddert Times
- On The Spot
- The Golden Star
- The News Essence
- Living Chronicle
- The Bright Sun
- The Moulton Weekly
- Hoose Gazette
- Newsville Observer
- Filed books
- Under armour
- Under the bridge
- Union Press
- Union Daily
- Union Daily Observer
- Universe
- The Banner Gazette
- The Banner Reporter
- The Bird News
- The Dayspring Times
- The diary Outlook
- The Dispatch Mirror
- The Enterprise Record
- The Epoch Herald
- The Everyday Chronicle
- The Explorer Register
- The headlight
- The Headline Reporter
- The Public Mirror
- The readers day
- The reading times
- The regular post
- Pages With Purpose
- Know-More News
- City Scoop
- Disculture
- Soul Talk
- Epic Pulse
- Catalyst Reflection
- Echoview
- The Extensive
- The Daily Eyes
- News Authentic
- Mega Observer
How to Name Your Newspaper – 10 Tips
a) Try to Select a Short and Simple Name
Keep the name short and simple so that it is easy to remember. Use words that are easy to understand.
Learn More: How to Name Your Business
b) Don’t Copy
Don’t copy the names of famous Newspapers with some alterations. Be original in naming your Newspaper.
c) Brainstorm Your Name Ideas
Note down the names that come to your mind. Think deeply and choose names. It should be about your Newspaper, something very close to it. However, it should not be a long description.
d) Consider Including the Name of the Area Where the Newspaper is Published
In the case of naming a small local newspaper, you can use the name of the city, area, or district.
e) Make a Shortlist
Shortlist some selected names. It should neither be too long nor too short.
f) Take Opinion From Others
Take the opinion of your family, friends, and close ones. You can also consider taking a poll on social media platforms.
g) Use Business Name Generators
There are plenty of business name generators available online. You can use them to find a suitable name for your Newspaper.
h) Find a Relevant Website Domain Name
After you finalize the business name, book a website name to create a website for your Newspaper. If the domain is not available, choose another name.
i) Register for Trademark
After booking the website domain, register you’re the name of your Newspaper for trademark. For checking your name for domains and trademarks, you can check with copyright.gov and get the required information.
j) Use the Social Media
Create pages in the name of your Newspaper on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Keep the pages updated and ask for the opinions of people.

Editorial Team at 99BusinessIdeas is a team of experts led by Rupak Chakrabarty with over 25 years of experience in starting and running small businesses. Started in 2010, 99BusinessIdeas is now one of the largest free small business resources in the industry.