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Top 15 Plantation Crop Farming Ideas & Opportunities

best plantation crop farming ideas

Plantation crop farming includes a large group of crops that has the potential of making good money. The term Plantation crops refer to those crops which are cultivated on an extensive scale in a large contiguous area. However, the farm may be owned and managed by an individual or a company. These plantation crops are high-value commercial crops of greater economic importance.

In addition, these crops play a vital role in the overall economy. However, plantation crop farming demands substantial area requirements and long-term planning. Here in this article, find the 15 most profitable plantation crop farming business ideas.

They contribute to the economy by way of export earnings. In India, these crops occupy less than 2% of the total cultivated area. However, they generate an income of around Rs. 16,000 million.

The plantation industry provides direct as well as indirect employment to many millions of people. It supports many by-product industries and also many rural industries. For example, we get coconut coir fibers from the coconut husk.

These crops help to conserve the soil and ecosystem. Tea plantations on hill slopes and cashew in the barrel and wastelands protect the land from soil erosion during the rainy season or due to heavy winds.

List of 15 Plantation Crop Farming Business Ideas

#1. Arecanut – Areca catechu

Arecanut is an important component of the religious, social, and cultural celebrations and economic life of people in India. Furthermore, it has been used in Ayurvedic and veterinary medicines.

#2. Arjun – Terminalia Arjuna

Arjun tree has rich medicinal values. It is a large evergreen tree with spreading branches and fast growth. The bark is of great economic value as it contains 20-24% tannin. In addition, it is an essential item in tanning and dying.

#3. Babul – Acacia Nilotica

Babul is a common agroforestry tree. Furthermore, it is popular for commercial plantations. It is a wonderful fuel, fodder, and fertilizer tree. Besides, you can grow this tree even with soil under fertility status.

#4. Betelvine – Piper betel

The commercial product is the leaf, mainly used for chewing with Arecanut, slaked lime, tobacco, and some other ingredients. Betel vine cultivation is profitable and the product has export demand also.

#5. Cashew – Anacardium Occidentale

Cashew is an important crop in the international trade of nuts. It is a crop of marginal lands, In addition, you can grow cashew under rainfed conditions.

Learn More: How to Start Cashew Nuts Processing Business

#6. Cocoa – Theobroma cacao

It is the most nutritious of all beverages. West Africa is the leading country in the Cocoa trade. For the last 40 years, Ghana, Ivory Coast, French Cameroon, and Nigeria contribute 84% of the world’s production.

#7. Coconut – Cocos nucifera

Coconut is one of the most useful palms in the world. Every part of the tree is useful to human life for some purpose or the other. Apart from large farms, coconut cultivation is a very profitable business for small and marginal farmers also.

Learn More: How to Start Cocoa Farming Business

#8. Coffee – Coffea

Coffee of commerce consists of seeds of coffee. It is a native of America. The shallow soils with little organic matter to virgin soils on steep mountain slopes or almost flatlands are suitable for coffee.

#9. Drumstick – Moringa Oleifera

Drumstick is a popular vegetable crop. It has rich medicinal value. The plant can survive even in drought conditions. Furthermore, the plant can tolerate poor soil including in coastal areas.

#10. Eucalyptus Camatndulensis

Eucalyptus is popular for fuelwood, poles, timber, lumber, biomass, and essential oil. In addition, it is an excellent source of nectar for honeybees. Eucalyptus trees have many favorable characteristics including high growth rates, wide adaptability to soils and climates, seed availability, etc.

#11. Neem – Azadirachta indica

Neem is one of the most suitable and valuable tree species. You can grow neem on a wide range of soils up to pH 10. It makes the tree one of the most versatile and important trees.

#12. Oil palm – Elaeis guineensis

An oil palm begins to produce after the 3 or 4 years of plantation. During that time you must spend money and work hard, without harvesting any fruit or earning any money. Even, you will have to pay workmen for clearing the site of the plantation and removing tree stumps.

Suggested Read: Best Essential Oil Extraction Business Ideas

#13. Rubber – Hevea brasiliensis

It is a native of the Amazon basin. The rubber tree may live for a hundred years or even more. But its economic life period in plantations, on general considerations, is only around 32 years – 7 years of the immature phase and 25 years of the production phase.

#14. Sandal – Santalum album

Sandalwood is very costly and gives lucrative profits to the owners. However. check your state law before going for a plantation. The sandal is an essential item in the herbal and cosmetics industry.

#15. Tea – Camellia sinensis

It is a dwarf bush with leathery leaves. You can grow tea up to 2400 meters above sea level. Deep liable loam and forest land rich in organic matter are ideal for tea plantations.

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