Sports magazines have a closeted niche of readers who are passionate and interested in sports, those who wish to remain updated about the happenings of this world. Such sports magazines cover a wide range of topics that are informative and analytical.
The content of such sports magazines is highly dependent upon the contribution of freelance writers. If you’re someone who is sports-oriented and has insights to share, then this list of sports magazines is ideal for you to read through.
Here is the list of top sports magazines that offer paid freelancing writing jobs:
List of 24 Sports Magazines That Pay Freelance Writers
1. Dirt Rag
Pay: 10 cents per word
This sports magazine concentrates on off-road cycling. They invite articles for the following categories: Product reviews, New Gear, Racing, Features, and Interviews.
In addition to this, articles should be within 3,500 words. You would receive the payment within six weeks from publication.
2. Golf Tips Magazine
This sports magazine features articles about golf equipment, know-how, and tips on golfing. They invite articles about equipment maintenance and use, golf clubs, and much more.
Additionally, they invite queries before completing manuscripts.
3. Backcountry Magazine
Pay: 35 cents per word
This sports magazine solely focuses on skiing and related topics, such as background skiers, courses, and general news on backcountry skiing. They invite articles for the following categories: Features, Destinations, Profiles, Mountain Skill pieces, and Personal Essays.
Furthermore, this sports magazine has detailed submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.
4. American Snowmobiler
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine is a publication of Kalmbach Publishing. They feature articles about snowmobiles and snowmobiling in America. They invite articles on the following: travel stories, sled modification stories, how-to stories, and personal stories.
In addition to this, they expect articles to be within 1,200 words. They invite queries before completing manuscripts.
5. Golf Course Management
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine features articles that discuss problems faced by golf course superintendents. They also share techniques to help them do their job more effectively.
Furthermore, they invite queries before completing manuscripts. You would receive the payment upon publication.
6. Backpacker Magazine
Pay: 40 cents to $1
This sports magazine features articles about backpacking and hiking. They also cover foot-based travel, backcountry experience, and North American destinations.
In addition to this, the length of the articles varies from 100-1,200 depending on the topic and under which department it would be featured. You would receive the payment upon acceptance.
Furthermore, they welcome queries before completing submissions. This sports magazine has detailed submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.
Read: How to Start a Sports Blog & Make Money Easily
7. Adventure Cyclist
Pay: 60 cents per word
This sports magazine features articles about cycling. They invite queries before completing manuscripts.
Additionally, this sports magazine has detailed submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.
8. Powder Magazine
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine is dedicated to skiers. They address a wide range of skiing topics like the backcountry, ski mountaineering, park and pipe skiing, ski bumming, expeditions, personalities, trends, and environmental issues.
Furthermore, they expect articles to be within 2,000 words. They have detailed submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.
9. Snowshoe Magazine
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine concentrates on content about snowshoeing. They also publish technical tips for snowshoers. They invite articles for the following categories: health and fitness, destinations, competitive racing, advocacy (protection of the environment and open space), equipment (other than snowshoes), and any personal experience story.
Additionally, they expect articles to be within 2,000 words. They have detailed submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.
10. Sports Afield
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine publishes high-end pursuits, especially in North America and Africa big-game hunting. They invite content for the following topics: big-hunting destinations, hunting adventure stories, rifle and caliber stories for hunting.
Furthermore, they expect articles to be within 2,500 words. They prefer queries before complete submissions.
11. Horse & Rider
Pay: $25- $400
This sports magazine solely concentrates on Western riding. They feature articles about training, stable management, safe trail riding practice, and health care tips.
Additionally, they welcome queries before completing submissions. The payment varies depending on the length and intensity of the research.
Pay: $100
This sports magazine is a publication of the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association, Inc. They focus on Hang Gliding and Paragliding.
In addition to this, they invite articles within 3,000 words. They prefer queries before completing manuscripts.
13. The Chronicle of the Horse
Pay: $250
This sports magazine features content about horse-related topics including, dressage, hunters and jumpers, fox hunting, steeplechase, racing, and much more.
Furthermore, they accept articles within 2,500 words. They prefer queries before completing manuscripts.
14. Gripped
Pay: $250
This sports magazine solely focuses on climbing-related topics. They invite content for the following columns: Features, Northern Faces, Area Profiles, and Reviews.
In addition to this, they accept articles within 2,500 words. They prefer queries before completing manuscripts.
15. Sports Collectors Digest
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine covers ” every aspect of modern sports collecting including cards, memorabilia, lithographs, autographed material, and more.” They invite content for the following categories: Profiles, Feature Stories, and Event Coverage.
Additionally, they prefer queries before complete manuscripts. You would receive the payment upon publication.
16. Sports Spectrum
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine has a touch of Christianity within. They address topics that help lead people to faith in Jesus Christ, and to encourage Christians to grow in their walk – while focusing on Christian athletes. They invite experienced sportswriters who are Christian or Christ-oriented.
In addition to this, they prefer queries before complete manuscripts.
17. Triathlete
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine is dedicated to the sport of Triathlon. They publish articles on multi-sport training tips and programs, nutrition articles, gear and apparel guides, athlete profiles, and triathlon-related travel stories.
Furthermore, they expect articles within 1,200 words. They prefer queries before completing manuscripts.
18. Canadian Running
Pay: Unspecified
This sports magazine features topics about running in Canada. They invite content from athletes, coaches, sports doctors, dietitians, and most importantly, Canadians.
In addition to this, they expect articles within 2,500 words. They welcome queries before completing manuscripts.
19. Blackbelt Magazine
Pay: $300
This sports magazine is a publication of Cruz Bay Inc. “The magazine’s subjects include all styles and their techniques, training methods, history, philosophy, and health and fitness teachings—as well as interviews with prominent practitioners.”
Furthermore, they invite articles within 3,000 words. They prefer queries before completing manuscripts. You would receive the payment upon publication.
20. Cruising World
Pay: $300
This sports magazine features articles about cruising and speed boating. They invite articles within 2,000 words.
In addition to this, they prefer queries before complete manuscripts. You would receive the payment within 90 days of publication.
Furthermore, this sports magazine has detailed submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.
21. Birdwatching Magazine
Pay: $400
This bi-monthly magazine features articles for bird lovers of all experience levels. The articles published are about birds in the news, bird history, birding hotspots, attracting, identifying, and feeding birds.
Additionally, feature articles run from 1,750 to 2,250 words, and shorter articles are from 700 to 900 words.
22. SAILING Magazine
Pay: $500
This sports magazine features articles about sailing, from learning how to sail to riding cruisers across the Pacific. They invite content for the following categories: sailing destinations, sailing navigation, boats, maintenance, and upgrades.
Additionally, they invite articles within 3,000 words. They prefer queries before completing manuscripts. You would receive the payment upon publication.
Furthermore, this sports magazine has detailed submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.
23. Hoof Beats Magazine
Pay: $500
This sports magazine covers harness racing and the Standardbred industry. They welcome queries before completing submissions.
In addition to this, you would receive the payment upon publication.
24. Sports Fishing Magazine
Pay: $750
This sports magazine features content about saltwater fishing in North America. They provide information about “fishing how-to, where-to, gear, and its use, science, and conservation ”
In addition to this, they invite articles within 1,800-2,000 words. They prefer queries before completing manuscripts. You would receive the payment upon acceptance.
Furthermore, this sports magazine has detailed submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.
Also, Read Top Environment Magazines That Pay Freelance Writers
Sports Magazines provide a great range of useful information. Hence, well-researched and informative articles are a must that would help readers.
We hope that this comprehensive list of sports magazines has helped you to choose the one for you to feature your submissions.

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