Top 24 Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites
If you enjoy writing only and want to earn along with it, you must consider writing in Top Google Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites. Google AdSense is no doubt the biggest platform for earning online income.
Google AdSense revenue sharing sites basically let people join the sites for free where they publish articles. These articles bring them a share of the AdSense revenue.
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What happens actually is, these sites generate huge revenue in dollars and share it with the members who publish their articles via that website. You don’t need to invest in a website of your own but still, but you can earn Google Adsense money
List of Top 24 Best Google Adsense Revenue-Sharing Sites
1. Weebly
Weebly is one of the best revenue-sharing websites to start a blog for a beginner. Placing Google AdSense on the site can bring you 100% of revenue.
2. Infobarrel
Infobarrel comes next on the list. This site more or less follows the same policies and shares around 75% of AdSense revenue.
3. Hubpages
Another great website that is well-known in its own niche is The revenue-sharing policy of the site is 60% of the total share which is still huge if the site traffic is taken into account.
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4. JournalHome
This is what most newbies look for. JournalHome offers a free blog with the ability to add your own AdSense ads and earn 100 percent of the revenue.
5. TrendHunter is one of the best-paid writing sites. Once you get linked to it, your Article can easily come into the top 10 rankings according to Google search. Enjoying large traffic daily, the site is known for sharing up to 100% of the total revenue with its members.
6. Oondi
All you need to do is write quality articles, submit them, and wait for the fruitful results that you will receive shortly in terms of 100% of the share in the revenue that is generated by your work.
7. Squidoo
You need to create mini-websites that contain well-written content. Once done with it, you can earn 50% of AdSense revenue
8. Bukisa
Your earnings depend on the number of page views of your article. So write well and earn well.
More Legitimate Adsense-Sharing Sites
9. YouSayToo
With this free blog, offering a Google AdSense revenue of up to 50 %, you can ensure a considerable earning with your articles.
10. eHow
This site pays the highest for writing articles. You can write on any topic on this platform and can earn really great with it.
11. Webanswers
You can publish a question or locate a question posted by simply other members of the community and reply to them. Revenue is split between all associates who publish the question or answer it on the page.
12. Flixya
Here members can upload video lessons, photos, and blogging. The contributors keep 100% of the revenue generated by simply their videos photos and sites.
13. Snipsly
Snipsly welcomes contributors from across the world who can write articles on any subject they want. This revenue-sharing site rewards members with an 80% earnings share.
14. Seekyt
Here contributors earn money by publishing posts on any theme. They provide an earnings share of a minimum of 50% which may be increased.
15. Docstoc
It is a document-sharing portal. Here users upload their documents. When you upload any document on this site, the AdSense ad will also be placed on that document. When anyone makes a click on that advt. then you will get paid through Adsense.
16. Indiastudychannel
Students can make much profit with study material. This site also shares 90% of its revenue with its users. If you are a student then I will highly recommend this site.
17. FreerangeStock
Freerange Stock allows photographers can participate in their expanded revenue-sharing system. You will be allowed to keep 100% of the AdSense advertising revenue from your photo download pages and your profile pages.
18. Iesteam
This is a 100% Adsense revenue-sharing site. Iesteam is a community-based site. They share 100% Adsense revenue with the authors, Register an account and publish more than 5 unique articles, go to the profile URL, and fill in the AdSense publisher ID field.
19. SheToldMe
Here you need to publish your content on the site and strive for getting some backlinks. You can expect here consistent earnings if you work consistently.
20. HowToDoThings
Publish tips on how to do things on this site will publish for free and get rewarded with 50% of Google AdSense revenue on your articles.
21. FireHow
Authentic revenue share writing a website with an okay Google Page Rank. Payment for published articles is made through PayPal every month once you reach the minimum payout of $10.
22. ArticleIncome
ArticleIncome shares 50% to 75% of the money generated by contextual ads on the articles and reviews to the writers depending on the number of submitted articles.
23. RantRave
Write about things you are passionate about and receive 100% Google AdSense revenue. You can also share links and join discussions at RantRave to make new friends online.
24. TypeaParent gives you an opportunity to receive 100% of the money generated by Google AdSense ads, which are added to your articles.
Getting a Google AdSense Account for your blog or website is surely not as easy as writers make it seems to be. The concept of Google AdSense Revenue sharing websites seems more than a blessing to people who look forward to easy online income methods.
If you are aware of working with genuine AdSense revenue-sharing sites do let us know. We will update the present list.
Editorial Team at 99BusinessIdeas is a team of experts led by Rupak Chakrabarty with over 25 years of experience in starting and running small businesses. Started in 2010, 99BusinessIdeas is now one of the largest free small business resources in the industry.