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Chrysanthemum Flower Farming Business Guide for Beginners

chrysanthemum flower farming

Do you want to start a profitable chrysanthemum cultivation business? Find here, how to start a chrysanthemum flower farming business with a small investment.

Actually, the chrysanthemum is an important commercial flower crop. The flower has both commercial and export potential. Additionally, the flower holds the third position in the flower trade after Jasmine and rose.

The scientific name of the chrysanthemum is Dendranthema Grandiflora. And it belongs to the Asteraceae family. Actually, the flower is native to the northern hemisphere chiefly Europe and Asia. In the United States, it is the number one dollar earner flower and the most reliable.

Globally, some of the major chrysanthemum-producing countries are Canada, the USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, the UK, Ecuador, and Poland. In India, some of the major Chrysanthemum-producing states are Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh.

Economic Importance of Chrysanthemum Flower

There are versatile uses for this flower. Generally, you can use the flower in the bed, as pot culture for garland making, and also as a cut flower for flower arrangement. Actually, the chrysanthemum flower is an important ingredient in different types of flower decoration including backdrop, gates, tables, etc.

In general, the large-flowered varieties are popular for exhibition purposes while small-flowered varieties are for cut-flowers, making the garland, wreaths, Veni, and religious offerings.

Different Regional Names of Chrysanthemum Flower

  • Guldaudi in Hindi
  • Chandramalika in Bengali
  • Samanti in the southern states
  • Shevanti in Marathi
  • Sevantige in Kannada
  • Jamanthi in Malayalam
  • Chandramukhi in Manipuri

Chrysanthemum Flower Best Varieties


Actually, it is a hybrid between Angle x G.P.I. It flowers early (88 days). Generally, it bears a white-colored Korean type of flower that fades to a pink tinge. It is floriferous and produces 119 flowers per plant. Additionally, it yields 168 g of flowers/plant. The shelf life of flowers is 7.5 days.

Arka Swarna

Actually, it is a cross between Nanko x CO-1. This hybrid bear’s pompon-yellow flowers. Additionally, it is superior with respect to plant height, the number of flowers per plant, flower size, flower weight, flower yield per plant, and flowering duration. This is suitable for cut flowers and loose flower purposes.

Birbal Sahni

Generally, this variety requires about 121 days for flowering. Plants are about 65 cm tall and grow upright. Flowers are pompon-type, snow-white in color, and small in size. Its average yield is 32 quintals/ha.


Generally, this variety produces small-size white decorative type chrysanthemums. It is a good cut flower and garland variety.


Generally, it is a small-size, white anemone-type mini chrysanthemum. It requires neither ‘pinching nor ‘staking. Its plants are 34.6 cm tall, with 370 flower heads/plant. The flowers are white in color.

Arka Ganga

Actually, this is a cross between Flirt and Red Gold. It takes 127 days to get fully grown. It produces 143 flowers per plant. The flowers are white in color having a pink tinge. The vase’s life is 11 days. It is suitable for loose flowers and cut flowers.


Basically, it is a small, and double Korean-type mini chrysanthemum. Plant height 29.1 cm, 303 flower heads/plant, and floret color is a red-purple group.


Flowers are purple in color & suitable for mini-culture. The flower length is 1.5 cm it weighs 0.4 g.

Large Flower Variety

a) White: Snowball, Kasturba Gandhi, Innocence
b) Yellow: Chandana, Sonar Bangla, Super Giant
c) Mauve: Mahatma Galidhi, Peacock, Raja
d) Red: Diamond Jubilee, Distinction, Alfred Wilson

2. Small Flower Variety (cut flowers)

a) White: Birbal Sarti, Apsara, Baggi, Pumima
b) Yellow: Nanako, Jayanti, Kundan
c) Mauve: Sharad Prabha, Nilima, Ajay
d) Red: Jaya, Flirt, Jubilee

Agroclimatic Condition for Chrysanthemum Flower

Basically, it is a short-day plant. And it responds differently to varying climate conditions. Generally, it needs long days to attain sufficient vegetative growth and short days for flower production. If long-day condition prevails, the chrysanthemum will remain in the vegetative phase.

Temperature is another important factor after light among climatic factors. Actually, the temperature influences growth and flowering behavior. Generally, the plant requires an optimum temperature of 15.6°C. The relative humidity of 70 to 90% is suitable for the plants.

Suitable Soil for Chrysanthemum Flower Farming

Generally, the plant prefers well-drained soil. Additionally, it prefers sandy loam of good texture and good aeration. A good amount of organic matter and a pH of 6.5 is essential. Basically, it is a shallow fibrous rooted plant and is very sensitive to waterlogged conditions. Also, it is fairly drought-tolerant.

Read: Is Soil Testing Important In Agriculture?

Chrysanthemum Flower Farming Basic Steps

Field Preparation

Generally, you will need to plow the field two to three times before the preparation of beds for planting.


Chrysanthemum propagates vegetatively either by root suckers or terminal cuttings. However, terminal cutting is the best method to follow in commercial farming.

Terminal Cutting

First of all, take about 5-7 cm long terminal cuttings from healthy stock plants. Then plant these cuttings in the sand in pots or beds and keep them in partial shade. Provide watering 4-5 times a day. Rooting takes place within 3 weeks. Now, these cuttings are ready for transplanting. For better rooting, you can treat the cuttings with 2000 ppm IBA before rooting.


Generally, the frequency of irrigation depends on the stage of growth, soil, and weather conditions. Additionally, you must maintain the proper drainage system for chrysanthemums grown both in beds and in pots.

By regulating the quantity and frequency of irrigation, you can influence the height and vigor of the chrysanthemum plant. However, you can follow the channel system water supply for irrigating the fields.


You must apply fertilizer according to the soil test report. However, you can apply farmyard manure for the best growth.

Weed Management

First of all, you must keep the field or greenhouse weed-free. Generally, weeds deplete moisture and nourishment from plants. Shortly after cuttings are established, carefully scratch the ground to uproot the weeds when they are small. Generally, you can provide 2-3 hand weeding for proper growth of the plant. First, weeding should be done one month after planting. Also, you can apply herbicide to control weeds from the field.

Harvesting & Yield

Depending upon the varieties plant start yielding flower after 3-4 months of transplanting. For cut flower purposes, you must cut the stem about 10 cm above the soil to avoid cutting into wooden tissue. Also, you can place the lower 1/3 of the stem in water to extend the vase life of cut flowers. The best way to protect the flowers is to sleeve the bunch with a transparent plastic sleeve. Generally, the correct stages of harvest depend upon the cultivar, marketing, purpose, etc.

Generally, you can harvest flowers around 15 times. The yield ranges from 9 to 10 tonnes of loose flowers per acre.

Post Harvest Management of Chrysanthemum Flower

After harvest, you must cut the stem to an equal length (90 cm is the standard). Then bunch the flowers in five put a rubber band at the base and slide them into a plastic sleeve. Finally, put the bunches in plastic buckets filled with water. Generally, you can store the mature chrysanthemum flower dry for 6-8 weeks at a temperature of 0.5 0 C.

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