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Best 22 Profitable Business Ideas During Rainy Season

Are you looking for low-cost business ideas during the rainy season or in the Monsoon? According to the specific product demand during the monsoon, we have listed down the most profitable small rainy season business ideas that can be started with little money.

As with any other business, You must have prior strategic planning and proper skill to initiate any business, especially in the rainy season. If not more than that, these businesses demand more in-depth feasibility reports on the market dynamics.

List of 22 Small Rainy Season Business Ideas

#1. Provide Cleaning Services

It is seen, the demand for cleaning services rises in the rainy season. If you are a beginner, select a niche and then scale up. For example, start with house cleaning and then explore other cleaning activities. You can check our list of cleaning business ideas and choose your niche.

#2. Food Delivery

One of the most in-demand businesses during the rainy season is food delivery. People tend to not go out of their homes and prefer food delivered to their doorsteps. If you have the necessary resources, consider starting your own home-based food delivery business. Else, you can also tie up with a reputed food delivery company and make a good profit.

#3. Coffee Shop

A cup of hot coffee is one of the most demanded products in the monsoon. You can open a coffee shop with some allied snacks and tea. An entrepreneur passionate about coffee can initiate this business.

The coffee shop is actually treated as a third place outside of work and home to relax. Initiating a coffee shop is the best way to turn your love for coffee into a profitable venture. Read More…

#4. Fast Food Restaurant

During the rainy season, it is observed the sales of fast food grow in big numbers. In fact, it can be easily said that fast food restaurant is one of the most profitable food-related rainy season business ideas globally.

#5. Incense Sticks

If you are living in a country like India, making and selling incense sticks can fetch you high returns in the rainy season. The margin of profit in Agarbattis ( commonly called for incense sticks) is also high.

#6. Umbrella Assembling & Selling

The umbrella is an essential item for both summer and monsoon. The demand for this product increased in the rainy season. You start selling umbrellas for profit. You can procure the product from renowned manufacturers. Else you can also assemble them. Umbrella assembling will also allow you to create a customized umbrella for kids and teens.

#7. Sell Lugaw and Gotohan

Lugaw is a type of rice porridge and Gotohan is a beef recipe. It is much popular in the Philippines. If you are living in the Philippines and want to start a profit-making food-related business in the rainy season, consider opening a street-side restaurant and selling these food items.

#8. Grow & Sell Yams

Yams are starchy edible roots grown mostly in West African countries like Nigeria. If you are looking for a rainy-season business idea in Nigeria, think of growing Yams. It has not only strong domestic demand but also huge export potential. The United States is a major importer of Yams.

#9. Open a Laundromat

The demand for laundry services grows during the rainy season. Laundromat is a much sought-after business during this time in most developed countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

#10. Fish Hatchery

A fish hatchery is a place for artificial breeding, hatching, and rearing through the early life stage of finfish and shellfish in particular. Hatcheries produce larval and juvenile fish primarily to support the aquaculture industry where they are transferred to on-growing systems. To start sweet water fish hatching, the monsoon is the best time for it.

#11. Landscaping

Landscaping business or lawn care is one of the most lucrative businesses in the agro-based service industry. This green business also allows you to operate from home with small startup capital. Having proficient knowledge with good communication skills is a must in this business to be successful.

The demand for landscape experts is increasing rapidly in both developed and developing countries. Read More…

#12. Mobile Car Wash

Running a mobile car wash business is a smart way to make a lot of money without taking much risk of capital investment. The business also eliminates the requirement for a retail business location.

Most busy people prefer to get their car washed in their places like parking, garage, or home location. Most of the cars get dirty in the monsoon. Initiating a home-based mobile car wash is the best rainy season business to start with small startup capital. Read More…

#13. Mobile Soil Testing Lab

Soil Testing is an agronomically sound, beneficial, and environmentally responsive tool used for monitoring the nutrient as well as making precise fertilizer recommendations for various crops and cropping sequences ensuring no damage to the environment.

You can establish a mobile soil testing lab with Government certification as a rainy season business.

#14. Mushroom Farming

You can grow mushrooms for profit during the monsoon. A mushroom farming business can be a means of big profit in just a few weeks with considerably low start-up capital investment to start a business.

A person who has some knowledge and idea in the science & technology of mushroom growing and has their own building for setting up the farm is most suitable for starting a mushroom farming business. Read More…

#15. Pest Control

Monsoon is the ideal season for a pest attack. You can start a pest control service providing business from home. You must have the right skill and knowledge about the different types of pests and the procedure for controlling them.

#16. Raincoat Selling

A raincoat is an essential item in the monsoon. Every people who have to move out during rain use raincoats. You can procure raincoats on a wholesale basis from the manufacturers and start selling locally.

#17. Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a new technology for preserving rainwater for household, industrial, and agro-farming purposes. In modern days, rainwater harvesting is one of the most effective methods of water management and water conservation.

You can earn huge money by providing this service to homeowners, landowners, and also industry owners. Read More…

#18. Snail Farming

Snail farming business opportunity demands discipline and specific knowledge of modern technology. The farming of snails involves the process of raising land snails specifically for human consumption. It has a high rate of protein, iron, low fat, and almost all the amino acids that are needed for the human body. Snails are considered a healthy and tasty source of nutrition.

Growing and selling snails is the perfect rainy season business you can start from home. Read More…

#19. Certified Seed Production

This business is rated among one of the most popular rainy season business ideas. You must start growing any type of seed in the monsoon. Quality seed production which follows efficient certification procedures plays a major role in the increase of food production.

High-quality certified seed production requires considerable technical skill. It demands a number of rigid requirements must be fulfilled in order to ensure high purity and germination of seed. Read More…

#20. Vending Machine

Vending machine business is a technologically upgraded retail business. Select products that have demand in the rainy season such as hot tea, coffee, cigarettes, snacks, etc. Select the perfect location to place the machine.

The major difference from a conventional retail business is you will seldom interact with your customer. This is one of the most legitimate rainy season businesses you will definitely enjoy. Read More…

#21. Corn Farming

Corn (Maize) is one of the most versatile emerging crops having wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is known as the queen of cereals because it has the highest genetic yield potential among cereals.

Commercial corn farming by using modern technology with quality seed is one of the most profitable rainy business ideas.

#22. Horticulture Crop Farming

Horticulturists produce fruits, flowers, and plants in greenhouses and nurseries. The selection of the crops and methods is important in this business.

These are the top profitable rainy season business ideas that you can start this rainy season. Analyze and choose the one which fits you most and start your own business.