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How to Start a Profitable Pest Control Business

Do you want to start a profitable pest control or pest management business with a low capital investment? Find here a detailed pest control business plan sample checklist for your ready reference.

What is Pest Control?

Pest control is a process for the regulation and management of different harmful living organisms. Generally, these pests and insects are harmful to the human population. The list includes termites, bedbugs, cockroaches, certain reptiles, and other unwanted organisms. They affect day-to-day life and hinder human activity by interfering in agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial processes.

Pest control management eliminates pests and ensures hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Generally, it can be done with the help of various techniques, such as chemical control, mechanical control, and other pest control.

Here are the 12 Steps to Start a Pest Control Business

1. Understand the Market

The first step before starting a pest control business is to do market research and collect more information about the local demand and the types of services customers are looking for.

Also, gather information regarding the strength and weaknesses of existing players, pricing strategies, etc. This type of information will help you in planning your business in a better way and exploit the gaps to the maximum to your advantage.

2. Get Trained

Before starting the business, it is important to know about the technical aspects of pest control. There are many institutions offline and online that provide pest control management courses. Get enrolled and get certified.

It is advised that one must work as an apprentice to learn more about the types of pests that exist in your locality, and the types of chemicals and solutions needed to remove them.

Do remember, working as a pest control personnel and running a pest control management business is totally different ball game. In addition to the technical aspects, as a business owner, you must have communication and business management skills to be successful in the trade.

3. Select a Niche

It is essential for a beginner to choose the type of pest control services that will be offered to customers. It is advised for startups to select one or two services and then scale up when profit starts coming in.

Broadly, there are two different segments where you can offer your services. These are residential customers and commercial or industrial customers. And obviously, their needs are different. For residential consumers, personal hygiene and supervision are important. Additionally, they look for effective services to control and eradicate pests, insects, and rodents from households.

On the other hand, the commercial consumer list includes offices, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, factories, etc. Generally, they look for professional services to protect valuable goods, official papers, documents, etc and maintain a clean, healthy, and hygienic working atmosphere as well. Some of the most potential areas of pest control are:

a) Seal Service:

It is difficult to locate the habitats of ants and cockroaches. They mostly take shelter in cracks and crevices which are favorite hideouts for these insects. Basically, this is a Gel-Baiting System to control ants and cockroaches. This process is very effective and helps in controlling the growth and spread of these insects.

b) Bug Eradicator Services:

Basically, bug eradication services allow taking control of nocturnal parasites like bed bugs. Generally, it helps to get rid of blood-sucking bugs that cause irritation and itching.

c) Mosquito Eradicator Services: 

A mosquito bite is the root cause of diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, etc., hence mosquito control is extremely essential. Basically, this service includes detecting still water, and drainage spray to prevent mosquito breeding.

d) Termite Extermination Service:

Termites can destroy valuable wooden goods and furniture. To prevent termite infestation, you can offer two different types of services. These are pre-construction as well as post-construction termite extermination services.

e) Insect Monitoring Services:

Pests and rodents are nocturnal creatures, and it is very difficult to detect their hideouts. This monitoring service includes locating and monitoring pests, insects, and rodents at food and product storage, warehouses, export industries, etc.

f) Rodent Control & Management: 

Rodents are the source of various diseases. And hence, it is important to carefully detect, locate, and block the holes and cracks through which rodents enter the house. So, you can render specialized rodent control management.

g) Marine Transport & Pest Management:

basically, this service assists to tackle and control pest issues on board shipping vessels. Due to lack of constant supervision insects, pests and rodents infect and damage goods that are transported through ships.

4. Create a Business Plan

Crafting a business plan is a must in starting this business. According to your investment capacity and area of operation, prepare a business plan. You can prepare a plan of your own with the help of some brilliant software. Mention business objective, mission & vision statement, and executive summary. Then prepare the financial plan with cost calculations and expected ROI. Finally, have a marketing plan.

5. Name Your Business

Select a catchy name for your pest control company. The name should be attractive and relatable so that customers can easily recall your company whenever they are in need of pest control services. Check out our detailed guide on how to name a business to know more.

6. Select a Business Location

After crafting the plan, you have to secure a business location. However, you can start the business from your home also. Basically, you must have a location that has specific spaces for office operations and storage.

7. Calculate the Cost of Opening a Pest Control Business

The cost and investment will depend on how you want to start a pest control company. If you are planning to open a pest control business of your own on a small scale, an investment of around $10000 will be the requirement for starting up. The other way is to buy a franchise of a reputed pest control brand. The approximate investment for the franchisee will be in the range of $20,000 to $30,000.

8. What Licenses & Permits Needed to Launch Pest Control Business

After securing the space, you have to obtain a specific license from the appropriate local authority. It is advisable to consult with a local small business expert. Additionally, check the upcoming tax and compliance liabilities as per the form of your organization.

Registration of your business is another important aspect to consider. Every country and state has different rules for forming a company. If you are from the United States, forming an LLC is a popular choice among new startups.

9. Procure Equipment & Vehicle

You must have a commercial vehicle to move around with the equipment and chemicals. Additionally, you will need to have specific equipment and tools. The list includes

  • Dusters
  • Sprayers
  • Granular Spreaders
  • Fogging Equipment
  • Bait Guns
  • Bee Suits
  • Foamers
  • UV Flashlights
  • Respirators
  • Coveralls
  • Chemical Gloves
  • Spill Kits
  • Vacuums
  • Termite Baiting Tools
  • Aerosol Dispensers
  • Professional Rodenticides
  • Professional Insecticides.

10. Fix Pricing

Fix the pricing carefully. Basically, you have to offer a customized quotation to the clients depending on several aspects. It depends on the specific services, the area of operation, and the distance of the location. In addition, the price may vary depending on the quantity of space.

11. Hire Manpower

If you want to start a commercial pest management company, then you must hire skilled and experienced personnel. Check their previous experience and skills carefully before hiring. Additionally, arrange employee training for better customer handling also.

Since pest control service is a skilled job and requires safety measures, recruit people with a high school diploma or equivalency.  And their age must be more than 18 years.

12. Promote Pest Control Service

Regardless of the size of your business, you have to put emphasis on brand building. And definitely, there are ways to create brand awareness that costs small.

First of all, create a company logo and brand name. Establish a professional website with a range of services, area of operation, contact address, and inquiry form. Craft some informative blog posts on your website. It will definitely help you in creating brand values. Additionally, prepare your business cards, brochure, and leaflets.

You can also use your vehicle for branding. However, check the legal issues before promoting your company on the vehicle. Additionally, make your service available on the local press listing sites. Also, you can use social media for promoting your pest control business effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Starting a Pest Control Business – Important Tips

  • First of all, it is a knowledge-based business. You must have some specific knowledge and skill for starting a business of your own.
  • The business demands investment. You have to invest money in procuring vehicles, equipment, and chemicals. Additionally, you must have a financial arrangement for daily basis operations and marketing.
  • Licensing is an important factor in this business. Generally, the licensing factors depend on the zoning authority of your locality. Check it carefully and apply for obtaining permission.
  • Finally, put your thought into the marketing aspects. You have to compete with other established organizations. Therefore, identify the unique value proposition of your pest control service business.

Is Pest Control Business Profitable?

The Pest Control in the US industry has grown by 2.4% in the last five years. The number of people starting pest control services has also grown by 2.2% in the last five years.

This industry includes companies that provide bird control and exterminate mosquitoes, rodents, termites, and other insects and pests for residential and commercial clients. Additionally, operators provide fumigation services too. However, this industry does not include extermination services for crop and forestry production.

The demand for efficient and professional pest control services is growing rapidly. Increasing awareness and health consciousness are major driving factors. The growth of the global pest control services market is driven by the increasing pest population, attributed to the largest available food sources for small organisms and conducive living habitats. In the next five years, increased business and consumer spending will drive demand for regular inspections for pests.