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Top 25 Science Fiction Magazines That Pay Freelance Writers

science fiction magazines that pay freelance writers

It is without saying, imagination is food for thought. The mind keeps itself alive with thoughts of endless possibilities. For such an adventure, science fiction magazines are perfect companions. Such science fiction magazines feature content about fantasy and the supernatural which is interesting and intriguing.

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If you are someone whose imagination runs wild, you have entertaining stories to share and you want to be paid as well, then this list of science fiction magazines is ideal for you to read.

Here is the list of top science fiction magazines that pay contributors for speculative stories with submission guidelines:

25 Science Fiction Magazines That Pay Writers

1. Sci Phi Journal

Pay: 1 cent per word

This publication invites submissions of science fiction that have a strong philosophical outlook. They expect stories between 2,000-7,000 words.

Furthermore, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly.

2. The Dark Magazine

Pay: 3 cents per word.

This is a monthly publication that features horror and dark fantasy. They invite stories ranging from 1,000-6,000 words.

In addition to this, you would receive the payment upon acceptance.

3. Shimmer Zine

Pay: 5 cents per word

This magazine publishes “speculative fiction” which includes fantasy and science fiction. The preferred length of stories is 4000 words which can be extended up to 7500 words.

Furthermore, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly. Also, you would receive the payment upon publication.

4. InterGalactic Medicine Show

Pay: 6 cents per word

This publication accepts science fiction and fantasy stories. Submissions should range from 17,500 words. They have detailed submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly.

Additionally, you would receive the payment upon publication.

5. Pseudopod

Pay: 6 cents per word.

This publication is in an audio format dedicated to dark and horror fiction. They expect submissions to be within 6,000 words.

Furthermore, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly. Also, you would receive the payment upon publication.

6. Beneath Ceaseless Skies

Pay: 6 cents per word

This publication concentrates on submissions about literary adventure fantasy. They prefer stories of around 14,000 words.

In addition to this, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly. Also, you would receive the payment upon publication.

7. Scout

Pay: $0.08 per word

Journalism and science fiction is combined in most of their articles. They generally seek articles in the range of 250 to 2000 words related to emerging technologies that can have a social impact.

8. Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine

Pay: 7-12 cents per word

This publication features content related to science fiction and fantasy. Articles are expected to be within 25,000 words.

9. Blind Spot

Pay: 8 cents per word

This publication accepts original science fiction and fantasy stories. They accept submissions within 10,000 words.

10. Lightspeed

Pay: 8 cents per word

This is a Hugo Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine. The magazine is edited by John Joseph Adams. The publication is looking for original science fiction and fantasy submissions.

Furthermore, stories are expected to be between 1,500-10,000 words. They also prefer shorter stories within 5,000 words.
In addition to this, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly. Also, you would receive the payment upon publication.

11. Daily Science Fiction

Pay: 8 cents per word

The magazine accepts speculative fiction stories. They expect stories within 100-1,500 words in length.

Additionally, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly.

12. Asimov’s Science Fiction

Pay: 8-10 cents per word

This publication concentrates on science fiction. They accept submissions to be within 20,000 words.

Furthermore, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly.

13. Analog

Pay: 8-10 cents per word

This publication features content related to science fiction. Submissions are judged on the basis of merit. Short stories are expected to be between 2,000-7,500 words. They expect queries before they complete manuscripts.

In addition to this, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly. You would receive the payment upon publication.

14. Clarkesworld Magazine

Pay: 10 cents per word

This magazine is a Hugo, World Fantasy, and British Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles, and audio fiction.”

Furthermore, they expect submissions within 1,000-16,000 words. Right now, they are open to art, non-fiction, and short story submissions.

In addition to this, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly.


Pay: 25 cents per word for the first 5,000 words, 15 cents for the next 5,000 words, and 10 cents a word after that.

This magazine accepts novellas and non-fictional submissions on science fiction, fantasy, and horror. They prefer pitches before complete submission.

16. Fiyah

Pay: They pay a flat rate of $150 for short stories of 2,000 to 7,000 words. The payment stands at $300 for stories under 15,000 words.

FIYAH is a quarterly speculative fiction magazine. It features stories by and about Black people of the African Diaspora.

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17. Alien Dimensions

Pay: $10

This publication accepts hardcore science fiction submissions. They accept submissions within 3,500-5,000 words.

In addition to this, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly. You would receive the payment upon publication.

18. Spirit’s Tincture

Pay: $10 per poem.

This is a quarterly literary magazine that features speculative and supernatural fiction stories. Right now, they are only open to accepting poetry that has an aspect of fantasy, myth, or folktale.

Furthermore, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly.

19. Arsenika

Pay: $30 for poetry, $60 for prose

This magazine prefers horror submissions with a speculative element. They prefer submissions within 1,000 words in length.

20. Mad Scientist Journal

Pay: $100

This publication caters to science fiction, fantasy, and horror. They expect submissions within 500-8,000 words long. You would receive the payment upon publication.

21. Heroic Fantasy Quarterly

Pay: $100

This is a quarterly ezine dedicated to heroic fantasy, both in prose and poetry. The word limit for fictional submissions is 10,000 words which can be extended up to 50,000 words.

22. Giganotosaurus

Pay: $100

This magazine accepts science fiction and fantasy stories. They publish stories once a month. Submissions are expected to be within 5,000-25,000 words.

Furthermore, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly. Also, you would receive the payment upon publication.

23. Betwixt Magazine

Pay: $225

This magazine publishes speculative fiction of all sorts—fantasy, science fiction, speculative horror, slipstream, weird fiction, steam/diesel/cyber/punk, you name it.”. Submissions are expected to be within 4,000-7,000 words in length.

24. Fiction Vortex

Pay: $300

This publication focuses on science fiction, horror, supernatural and alternate history. They publish content within 3,500 words.

25. Aurealis

Pay: $60 (Australian)

This Australian publication invites science fiction, horror, and fantasy short stories. Submissions should be between 2,000-8,000 words.

In addition to this, they have specific submission guidelines. We would suggest you go through that thoroughly. You would receive the payment upon publication.

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Science fiction magazines are not only interesting and entertaining to read, but these magazines are also informative as well. These science fiction magazines have a closeted knit of regular readers who look forward to stories and submissions.

We hope that this comprehensive list of science fiction magazines has helped you to find the right one for you to feature your submissions.

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