Business, the world economy, emerging markets, startups, sales, politics… These are the buzzwords of today’s era. If you are one of those who have a passion to write about such subjects and more, then there are business magazines that are looking for freelance writers who can create good content and are ready to pay for it too.
While some magazines are generic and look for content across the financial markets, politics, etc, there is some those focus on business in specific countries or related to specific industries. Some magazines also look for the education and credential of authors before accepting content to ensure that the writer has the right aptitude for the subject that he/she is looking to publish.
Below is the list of some business magazines that pay contributors and the type of content that they look for.
10 Business Magazines that Pay for Freelance Writers
1. Douglas Business Magazine
A respected and well-sought-after magazine by the business elites of Vancouver, the magazine focuses on innovation and provides insights and inspiration into how to shape a business. Its editorial topics include in-depth business features, profiles, real estate and development, finance, sales and marketing, technology, business lifestyle, and resources.
They look for features of 1,200 to 3,000 words in length and pay an approx of 40 cents per word if published.
They encourage writers to read the magazine’s online publication before sending an article. Their requirements for submitting an article are quite elaborate since they expect to get all information including the source, plan on research, writer’s qualifications, etc. Do go through their exhaustive guideline before reaching out to them
2. Workforce Magazine
This magazine is directed toward the HR fraternity and its articles are focused on building strategic HR personnel who maximize building an organization’s key asset – its people – to add to the bottom line
While their prime source for publication is its in-house staff, they are always on the lookout for freelance writers who can carve out content for their specific audience; generally senior HR Managers.
Articles of 1000 words or so are invited. The fee is negotiated with the writers depending on the length and content.
Related: Top Magazines That Pay $50 To Freelance Writers
3. FEE Magazine
A magazine where writing is a liberating experience. The magazine works along the theme of addressing young intelligent minds and giving fresh perspectives in a layman’s language in business, politics, socio-economic discussions, etc.
They generally invite submissions of around 800 – 1200 words but those with fewer words aren’t rejected either. Longer articles have an idea pitch submission suggestion. They have very well-defined guidelines for the submission of articles.
The site does not specify any specific fee for submission and this may be individually discussed with the authors.
4. Alaska Business Monthly
Alaska Business Monthly magazine publishes a wide range of articles right from entrepreneurs to heavy industries of Alaska. The magazine is primarily aimed at business activities related to the state of Texas. Approximately 80 percent of the articles are contributed by freelancers.
If you are interested in writing for Alaska Business Monthly, you need to submit three clips or sample articles that have been published. Articles published as blogging or self-publishing will not be counted.
5. Foreign Affairs
Those interested and who have good knowledge of American foreign policies and global affairs can be contributors to these magazines’ publications. The audiences are professionals as well as generic readers and hence those who have the knack for writing about complicated policies and their impact in simple layman language are invited to submit articles.
They have various categories like Comments, Essays, Review Essays, etc, and the word count of each differs. Read up on the guidelines and submit them in the category of your interest.
Submissions are only taken online. No specific fee declared online for content submission
6. ECommerce Insiders
E-commerce Insiders is a magazine focused on retailers online and publishes information on insights and tips to make one’s e-commerce venture successful. Content writers who are knowledgeable on the topic and have relevant experience in e-commerce are invited to send their interest.
They pay around $150 for 600 words and $125 for less than 600 words of published articles.
7. JSTOR Daily
Have quirky and exciting stories up your sleeve. JSTOR is constantly in search of an artist whose piece of work is out of the box and not obvious. They look for a fresh perspective for readers to contextualize their world. The magazine provides reference guides online for reference to research articles of interest. Furthermore, they also put up topics from time to time on which they invite contributions.
While they do confirm that published articles will be paid, there are no specific details mentioned on the site. Article length of between 500-2000 words is encouraged. Contributions are to be sent over email.
8. Horizon Edition Magazine
Horizon Editor is an in-flight magazine for Horizon Air. It is popular in the North-Western region of the United States and has both business and leisure travelers as its client falling with an average age between 35-54. Articles included in this publication focus on people, business, issues, etc which define Northwest as a community and bring out the uniqueness of the people who make it as such.
They pay anywhere between $100 – 450 for selected articled. Read their guidelines online for specifications.
Read: How to Start a Blog
9. Atlantic Business
If you are based out of one of the 4 Atlantic regions and have the knowledge and inclination to write, then Atlantic Business is open to receiving articles for any sphere of business, whether it is technology, Leadership, products, etc.
They typically pay ¢40 and offer published words and the maximum of an article is about 400 words.
Do read their guidelines and get a view of their editorial calendar if interested.
10. B.C. Magazine
Stories that are well-researched and lively are preferred for publication in this magazine. comprehensible writing that displays breadth and depth of research. The readers are expected to develop a point of view backed up by sound logic and solid reporting. An engaging writing style coupled with an ability to tell a story, not just relate facts, is a must.
The magazine accepts articles ranging from 500 words to 3500 words. Payments vary from story to story.

Editorial Team at 99BusinessIdeas is a team of experts led by Rupak Chakrabarty with over 25 years of experience in starting and running small businesses. Started in 2010, 99BusinessIdeas is now one of the largest free small business resources in the industry.