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Top 25 Magazines That Pay $50 To Freelance Writers

magazines that pay $50

If you’re a freelance writer who wants to feature articles against payment, then this is the list of 25 varied magazines that pay $50 is ideal for you.

Magazines are an integral part of our life. Unconsciously, magazines are indispensable and we always reach out to them. These publications play multiple roles at once.

They provide us with well-researched and informative articles and are a source of entertainment as well. These magazines welcome submissions for freelance writers as well.

25 Magazines That Pay $50 To Freelance Writers

1. Radish Magazine

Niche: Health

This is a monthly health magazine that concentrates on improving its readers’ health through informative articles about natural foods and products.

There are various headings under which submissions can be made, such as, ‘Eating Right’, ‘Food’, ‘Great Places’, ‘Health and Fitness”, etc. Submissions are to be made via email.

In addition to this, we would suggest you familiarize yourself with the content of the website before sending your submissions.

Also, you would receive the payment upon publication.

2. BootsnAll

Niche: Travel

This travel magazine focuses on articles that must relate to indie travelers. They look for interviews with travelers and tips on saving money, packing, and other topics.

They invite articles within 1200-2000 words in length. The payment is made upon publication.

Suggested Read: How To Get A Freelance Writing Job Without Experience

In addition to this, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would suggest you read that carefully.

3. Dorkly

Niche: Cultural

Dorkly looks for article writers for content in subjects like pop culture, video games, movies, anime, etc. If your article is approved and published, the magazine pays you $35 for a single-page article and $75 for multipage posts.

This travel magazine looks for creative nonfictional submissions that express a fresh attitude towards travel, culture, people, and life in general, in Hawaii.

4. Minnesota Conservation Volunteer

Niche: Environmental

This is the publication of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. They are looking for articles about the state’s natural resources and outdoor activities.

In addition to this, they prefer pitches instead of complete submissions. They expect feature articles to be within 1,200-1,800 words.

Also, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would suggest you read that carefully.

5. Sew News

Niche: Design

This is a monthly publication that particularly caters to sewing. They invite articles on techniques of sewing, current trends, and fashion. They also cater to articles about home decor, machine embroidery, embellishment, etc.

Furthermore, they welcome pitches before they receive complete manuscripts. They have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

Also, you would receive the payment upon acceptance.

6. Anxiety Foundation

Niche: Mental Health

This is a mental health magazine that features content about personal experiences, tips, and knowledge of mental health. They expect well-researched articles within 550 words. They have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

Also, you would receive the payment upon acceptance.

7. DesertUSA

Niche: Lifestyle

The main focus of this publication is travel destinations in and around North America. It also covers content about wildlife, geology, culture, natural history, etc. They expect feature articles within 1200-1700 words.

Additionally, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

Also, you would receive the payment upon acceptance.

8. WOW! Women on Writing

Niche: Women

This online publication helps in building up the communication between women authors, editors, and readers. They are looking for articles about the craft of writing and publishing. They expect articles within 1,000-3,000 words.

Furthermore, they welcome pitches before they complete manuscripts. They have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

Also, you would receive the payment upon acceptance.

9. International Wine Accessories Blog 

Niche: Food & Drinks

This publication caters to content for wine collectors and connoisseurs who are interested in storing and appreciating wine. They are looking for submissions “about the best ways to choose, use, install or enjoy wine cellars, racks, cabinets, and cooling equipment.”

Also, they expect articles within 500-700 words.

In addition to this, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

10. Catalyst Magazine

Niche: Lifestyle

This lifestyle magazine has been serving as Salt Lake City’s resource for living creatively since 1982. The magazine deals with varied topics such as, ‘Art’, ‘Environmental issues’, ‘Health’, ‘Spirituality’, etc.

Furthermore, we would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the content of the website before submitting your articles.

Also, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

11. Travelers Tales

Niche: Travel

This is a travel magazine looking for articles about personal and non-fictional travel stories. They expect articles to be within 1,000-3,000 words.

In addition to this, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

12. Ashtray Blog

Niche: Health

This publication is looking for well-researched articles about electronic cigarettes, vaping, and vaping harm reduction.

Additionally, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

13. The Wicked Noodle

Niche: Food & Drinks

This publication is looking for food-related articles, recipes, along images.

Also, for more information, we would suggest you go to their website.

14. Women’s Voices For Change

Niche: Women

This magazine is looking for articles to encourage their women readers to redefine their way of looking at their life post-40. They are inviting submissions of “news commentaries, personal essays, and expert analysis.” They expect articles within 1,000-1,500 words.

Furthermore, they welcome pitches before they complete manuscripts.

Also, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

15. Doctor of Credit

Niche: Credit

This publication is looking for lawyers to submit articles that would help their readers to “better understand their rights when it comes to consumer credit. ”

In addition to this, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

16. BlogHer

Niche: Lifestyle

This publication is looking for original articles about blogging and social media, entertainment, health, life, news, politics, etc.

Furthermore, for more information, we would suggest you go to their website.

17. Gumshoe Review

Niche: Fiction

Gumshoe Review publishes short fiction mysteries and articles related to the mystery. The article is expected to be under 1,000 words. They will pay you 5 cents per word to a maximum of $50 per article.

18. B. Michelle Pippin

Niche: Business

This magazine is looking for articles that would help small businesses to increase their profits and impact.

Additionally, for more information, we would suggest you go to their website.

Also, you would receive the payment upon publication.

19. CEO Hangout

Niche: Business

This publication is looking for articles about the CEO lifestyle, success stories, and experiences, case studies, and insider views of what it is like being a CEO.

In addition to this, they expect articles within 750-1,200 words. They have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

Also, you would receive the payment within 15 days of publication.

20. Motherly

Niche: Family & Parenting

This magazine is looking for informative articles about family and parenthood. They expect articles within 1,200-2,000 words.

Furthermore, they prefer pitches before complete manuscripts.  They have detailed submission guidelines. We would request you to go through that carefully.

21. Freelance Mom

Niche: Moms

This publication is looking for informative articles about working moms that would educate and enlighten their readers. In addition to this, they prefer queries before complete submissions.

Also, they have specific submission guidelines. Hence, we would suggest you read through that carefully.

22. New West

Niche: Lifestyle

This publication is focused on the Rocky Mountains region. They are looking for articles on travel, lifestyle, culture, politics, etc.

Furthermore, for more information, we would suggest you go to their website.

23. Travel Writer’s Life

Niche: Travel

This publication features content about crafts of getting remunerated for traveling, whether by writing, photography, etc.

In addition to this, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would suggest you read that carefully.

Also, for more information, we request you to visit their website.

24. Cracked 

Niche: Humour

This publication is looking for passionate and creative articles. Furthermore, for more information, we would suggest you go to their website.

25. The Layout

Niche: Technology

This is a daily design publication that publishes how-to articles in WordPress. They expect articles within 700-1,000 words.

Also, for more information, we request you to visit their website.

Magazines have been and will be an important part of our life. We pick these magazines up, unmindfully, while having a cup of coffee or while waiting. These magazines are a source of refreshment and information for us.

Also Check: Top Magazines that Pay $200 per Article

Freelancing for such magazines is a lucrative option to earn money because these magazines widely welcome submissions.

Therefore, we hope that this ensemble list of magazines that pay $50 to freelance writers has helped you to find out the right one for you to feature your submissions.

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