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Top 25 Travel Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Looking for travel blogs that accept guest posts? If yes, you have landed at the right place. Traveling works as an escape from our mundane and routine everyday life. It is the food for our souls. Though it is exciting as it is full of adventures, it also requires proper planning and correct facts.

For this, travel magazines or blogs come to the rescue which are the most reliable source of information.

List of 25 Travel Blogs that Accept Guest Posts

If you are someone who is a vagabond and has a sack full of stories and information to share, then this list of travel blogs is perfect for you to read through.

1. International Living

This travel blog features a specific type of content. It concentrates on publishing information about destinations that can be affordable, healthy, and safe options for retirement. Furthermore, before sending your submissions or pitches, they have suggested looking around the website to familiarize yourself with the content.

Read: How to Start a Photography Blog

2. Short Travel Tips

This travel blog accepts submissions only from travel bloggers. Articles should be within 600 words. They won’t be publishing previously published articles.

3. Trails Unblazed

This travel blog focuses on hiking, camping, adventure travel, wildlife, etc. They are looking for original posts that are not going to be published or have been published elsewhere. You can add high-quality photographs and/or videos along with your post.

4. Outpost Magazine

This travel blog shares stories and insights on culture, adventure, and travel-related subjects. The magazine is published in Canada though they accept articles from all around the world.

Generally, the magazine looks for stories in about 800 -1200 words. Payment is done on an article basis.

5. Britain Outdoors

The guest bloggers can post here about various destinations, traveling adventures, and outdoor activities in and around the UK.

They are looking for original posts within 500 words that are not going to be published or have been published elsewhere. You can add high-quality photographs and/or videos along with your post.

6. Am I Nearly There Yet?

The guest bloggers can post here about any destinations that they have been to recently, any forms of travel tips, etc. The post has to be original and unique. You can add high-quality photographs and/or videos along with your post.

7. Plan To Holiday

This travel blog is particularly interested in the following categories: travel, holiday planning, tour destinations, tour and travel guide, tourist spots, tour attractions, hotels, and resorts, travel accessories, travel transport, and honeymoon tour.

Read: How To Get Paid Freelance Writing Jobs With No Experience

8. Anew Traveller 

This travel blog tries to present an inspiring perspective on travel. They expect thoughtful submissions accompanied by photographs and/or videos. You can send pitches through email.  Along with that, add a few lines about yourself and 2-3 relevant examples of your previously published articles.

9. Global Grasshopper

This travel blog accepts submissions from travel bloggers and photographers. You can fill up the form on the Contact Us page. For more information, you can visit the website.

10. Heather on her Travels

This travel blog accepts submissions from established travel blogs that have a prominent social media presence. They accept unique and informative articles which have not been published earlier. Articles must be within 700-1000 words.

Also, Read: Top Food Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

11. Inside Journeys

This travel blog accepts submissions from independent travel writers and bloggers. They accept original articles that have not been published earlier. Articles should be between 400-750 words. Also, add a few lines about yourself along with a sample of your published articles. 

12. Indie Travel Podcast

This travel blog features stories that inspire the readers to travel as well. They are looking for articles about how to visit local festivals, city guides for destinations, etc.

13. The Lost Girls 

This travel blog was launched in 2006. It caters to travel and lifestyle fronts concerning women. They provide advice and information about traveling to young women.  Before sending your story ideas, they expect you to make yourself familiar with the already published content. Articles are expected to be within 500-1000 words.

14. World Hum

This travel blog is dedicated to travel stories, videos, and slideshows. They are various departments where you can contribute, such as first-person travel narratives, travel interviews, audio slideshows that explore traveling, etc.  Additionally, you can send in your submissions along with a brief bio. Articles should not be more than 1,500 words. 

15. Postcards from the World

This travel blog is currently accepting guest posts from those who can give information about good trekking and hiking trails all over the world. Articles should be within 500 words. The content must be unique and original. Also, add a few lines about yourself.

16. Travel Tamed

This travel blog is looking for personal travel stories. The posts are not to be limited within the boundaries of sharing facts and information.  The content has to be unique and original. It is not supposed to be published elsewhere. Articles should be around 800 words.

17. Santa Fe Travelers

This travel blog is accepting guest posts within 500-700 along with 3-5 original photographs. You can visit the Contact page if you’re willing to contribute.

18. World Wide Travel Guide

Guest bloggers can post here about various destinations, traveling adventures, and outdoor activities.

They are looking for original posts within 500 words that are not going to be published or have been published elsewhere. You can add high-quality photographs and/or videos along with your post.

19. A New Traveller

They are looking for original posts that provide an inspiring perspective on travel. You can add high-quality photographs and/or videos along with your post. Also, add a few lines about yourself.

20. Travel Blat

There are various categories that this travel blog caters to, such as travel tips, destinations, travel insurance, personal development tips for travelers, new travel technology, and travel industry news and conferences. They expect articles within 750 words.

21. The Lost Passport

This travel blog mainly covers Asia and a bit of Australia. They are looking for destination reviews, destination lists, and preparation guides for adventures. The articles should be within 800-1000 words. You may also add high-quality relevant photographs.

22. Second Chance Travels

This is a woman-centered travel blog that shares travel stories and insights that inspire others to travel as well. They accept pitches instead of complete submissions. Your submissions are to be original, unique, friendly, conversational, and inspirational. They are expected to be within 350-2000 words.

23. Trusted Traveller

This travel blog features content about travel planning. They are looking for original posts within 500 words that are not going to be published or have been published elsewhere. You can add high-quality photographs and/or videos along with your post.

24. Luxury Travel

This travel blog is looking for personal travel experiences, travel tips, lists of destinations, and in-depth guides. They accept pitches instead of complete submissions.

25. Inca Trail

This travel blog accepts travel tips and stories about Peru. They are looking for original posts within 500 words that are not going to be published or have been published elsewhere. You can post through the Contact Us page.

Traveling is an empowering experience. To have this experience hassle-free, we need informative and well-researched articles that are provided to us by various travel blogs.

Thus, we hope this list of travel blogs helps you to find the ideal for you to share your insights and stories that would help the readers of these travel blogs.

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