Are you looking to create a strip club business? That is a great idea, however, it is not as easy as you may think.
There involves a lot of know-how and knowledge to create a strip club business that thrives. But need not worry cause we have got you covered.
Here in this article, we will discuss everything you need to know to create a strip club that will surely succeed.
By the end of this article you will be able to:
- Learn how to create a strip club
- Know about the strip club business licensing and permits you need to take care of
- Get the best strip club business branding techniques from the pros
- Find out the advantages of creating a strip club
To successfully create a strip club business try not to skip any of the steps below. Let’s dive straight in!
Here are the 15 Steps to Start A Successful Strip Club Business
Step 1. Chalk Out A Business Plan And Think Ahead
Planning for the present and future is the first step as you should do as a strip club owner.
This means you need to assess what you want from the business.
These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself.
- How much capital do you want to invest?
- Which city are you thinking of?
- How much time are you willing to devote?
- What do you want your daily expenditure to look like?
We advise you to write down the answers to the above because it will help you as we move along.
Don’t worry we shall be discussing these in great detail here.
You might get a lot of great ideas and suggestions of your own as you are reading along, you should write them down as well.
Step2. Understand the Market
Before you invest your time and money into any business it is important to learn about its present statistics along with growth opportunities. Starting a strip club or an exotic dancing business is no different – you will have to conduct a comprehensive market survey in the area where you are living in.
Know about the present state of the strip club industry, what are their profit margins, their demand, etc.
It is not enough to know about the present market situation. You will also have to research its future prospects and growing ability.
The US for example has seen stagnation in the strip club industry for a couple of years. But the market is expected to rise and current profits are said to double in the next 5 years. These are country-wise numbers, be mindful that the numbers in your city might be completely different.
Step 3. Strip Club Business Market Research And Analysis
Go to a strip joint in the city you are planning to create a strip club.
Examine how they run and whether or not they’ve filled the place to capacity.
Make a list of the strip club’s finest practices, and keep this as a reference point as it will aid you in running your business smoothly in the future.
Check out the area properly, and find out where there is a market opportunity. Consider all of the information you’ve gathered and assess the benefits and drawbacks.
There are books that can assist you in this aspect as well, so make a point of going to a library if needed. On the other hand, the all-powerful internet is always there to assist.
You should begin drafting a business strategy for your strip club once you feel you have collected sufficient knowledge.
Step 4. Know Your Target Audience
Now, the next step you’ll have to do is to figure out who you want to target at your strip club.
Gather all of the information from your market study and determine which requirement needs to be met the most.
These facts will assist you in determining the niche in which you should concentrate your efforts.
Your strip club will appeal to a certain demographic. You have to find out which one.
There are strip clubs for men, women, LGBT people, and so on.
To assure the profitability of the strip club business, make sure you have a targeted audience that you can satisfy.
If your neighborhood has too many male stripper clubs, you should concentrate on a different type. Make an informed decision and really go for it.
Step 5. Look For A Suitable Location
The next thing to consider when you are going to create a strip or a gentleman’s club is the site or region where it will be located.
Is there a sufficient number of customers or requests to enable you to pack your strip club every night?
Here’s when your market research and analysis come in handy.
Have you found out where the most happening places are? Is it legal to create a strip club business there?
When you are pouring in your hard-earned investments, you must ensure that they will be worthwhile.
An excellent idea for you is to look for a location near roads and junctions.
Hotels, casinos, and theme parks are all good venues to create a strip club.
These are prime areas for you because your strip club will have exposure to an already-developed market.
Step 6. Decide If You Want A Franchise Or Start from Scratch
Many renowned strip club businesses or gentlemen’s club businesses have built a solid basis in the market, which the franchise may benefit from.
This is an excellent choice for you if you don’t want to create a strip club of your own.
They’ll set up seminars and workshops for you and walk you through the entire process.
It’s worth noting that after you’ve purchased a franchise, you won’t be able to start immediately away.
You must be acquainted with the operations of this strip club chain.
Although you have the ability to add to or alter anything since you have paid for the franchise.
You must still adhere to and respect their normal operating practices in accordance with the contract’s terms and conditions.
If you are entering the deal, make sure you read the terms and conditions well.
Step 7. Choose A Trademarked Name, Logo & Slogan
When you are going to create a strip club business or a gentlemen’s club business, choosing an attractive name and logo for your company is extremely important.
It could even make or break your – yes it is that important.
Firstly, you will have to have a name that hasn’t been used by any other business.
If you have a name in mind, search for it on your government website which deals with trade and commerce.
If the name is available then trademark it, else you have to choose a different one.
If you can’t think of a name then check out our article on Best Strip Club Business Name Suggestions to get many ideas and tips.
The strip club will also need a logo and slogan to go along to help make your strip club more appealing and enticing (more on that below).
Step 8. Arrange The Funds
A crucial step during the creation of your strip club business is to finalize the source of funds. This can be done in a lot of ways, the easiest method is to apply for a bank loan.
All you have to do is to submit your business plan along with other necessary details and apply for a business loan. If you have all the documents in the correct order you shall get a loan pretty quickly.
Another way is to partner with other people who have the capital and are willing to invest.
Draft an agreement that will state the role and position in the business of your partner. This will avoid future misunderstandings.
If you find that the capital required is still too high, then you will have to back and rethink the scale of your strip club business.
Step 9. Register Your Strip Club Business
Now it is time to register your strip club. There are many different business forms in which you can register your business.
However, the most common entity type for registration of new strip club businesses is Limited Liability Companies (LLC).
In this way, you will not be individually responsible for the strip club business’s activities.
This implies that your assets such as their houses, vehicles, bank accounts, and investments are shielded from creditors and business losses.
Although the basic documentation and expenses of establishing an LLC are generally low, states impose a broad range of fees and taxes.
The procedure is straightforward enough for you to undertake without specialized knowledge, still it is a good idea to get legal advice.
Step 10. Get Insurance For Your Strip Club Business
Getting your strip club insured is the next crucial step for you.
You must secure your strip club business in the same way that you protect your family, home, and vehicles.
To safeguard your strip club business’s building and infrastructure from unanticipated catastrophes, you should consider purchasing insurance.
This will save your business money in the future.
Insurance will cover interruptions that may occur if your strip club business experiences a drop in income due to an external event over which you have no immediate control.
For example, if there is a fire at the strip club, it will take some time for it to restart.
In this case, you can file claims for lost profits under your business insurance coverage.
Learn More: Advantages & Benefits of Business Insurance
Step 11. Apply For Strip Club Business Licenses and Permits
Before you can open strip clubs must get permissions, certifications, tax obligations, and food and beverage approvals.
As a result, you must understand the local legislation in the area where you intend to operate your strip club.
This is because certain governments have stringent regulations prohibiting such actions.
You face the danger of being prohibited when you don’t know what the country’s laws are.
Alcohol is crucial in this instance since it is one of the instruments that will aid your strip club’s profitability.
As a result, you’ll need to get a license for it as well.
Before you open, double-check that you have all legal matters resolved so you don’t have any problems afterward.
Step 12. Keep An Experienced Lawyer Handy
Engage the services of a personal lawyer to guide you through this process and verify that you’re following the correct procedures with your legal paperwork.
All this government paperwork can be tricky and can be easily missed by you, which might lead you into trouble.
As a result, double-check everything with a lawyer.
You should consider hiring him full-time because you will not know when his services will be required.
This is in case residents in the area where your strip club is located or someone in your club makes allegations against you.
You also have the peace of mind that a lawyer is available to you at all times and have your back.
This should be a lawyer that is experienced with a gentlemen’s club or exotic dancer sort of business and can adequately safeguard you.
Step 13. Hire Staff, Bouncers, And Girls For Your Strip Club Business
When it comes to recruitment, you must recruit a skilled manager (you can fill this position), an administrative and resource manager, a marketing and sales manager, a bookkeeper, a Dj, some bouncers, and, obviously, strippers.
A stripper has to be advertised either online or offline. When you get the females, make sure they are appropriately paid.
Additionally, make certain that you employ the most professional strippers for your strip club to have your customers come back.
They are the most important workers you will need to get started.
To create a strip club business or even an exotic dancer business that is small-scale yet entertaining, you’ll need at least 8 to 12 employees.
If you can do a good job with these, you will notice that the strip club will grow fast.
Step 14. Create a Marketing Plan
Developing your strip club marketing plan must not be overlooked.
Because you are just getting started in this sector, you must make your strip club/gentlemen’s club business well-known so that you can attract a large number of prospective clients.
It should be of top concern – since if you want your strip club business to be popular and grow fast, you need to advertise it properly.
Inadequate advertising might lead to the demise of your business.
As a result, be sure to implement some highly effective branding strategies that will help you advertise your business to people who enjoy going to strip clubs/gentlemen’s clubs.
The internet may help you promote your company as well.
We are discussing more about what your strip club branding strategy should be down below.
Step 15. Apply Strip Club Business Branding Strategies
To set up your strip club, gentlemen’s club, or exotic dancer business for success, you will need to impress and lure your target audience as much as possible.
You can only do this with a well-thought-out strip club or gentlemen’s club business branding strategy.
Here is a guide to help you with it.
a) Choose a Catchy Name
Choosing a catchy strip club business name or exotic dancer business name has the potential to instantly impress your target customer before they even enter it.
It is so because the name of your exotic dancer business is the first thing anyone will notice.
Try to keep the name short, simple, and descriptive.
Also while choosing, make sure it is SEO-friendly to boost your online presence easily.
Here is a guide to help you create an SEO-friendly business name in 10 easy steps.
b) Design a Logo
It is important to design an eye-catching logo. It should also be one that will complement the name of your strip club.
If it is not the name, it should be the logo that will lure most of your customers.
And if the logo is striking and catchy, you will give the best chance for the business to gain profits.
We recommend you check out the article on how to create the perfect business logo for your benefit.
c) Create a Website
Having an online presence is needed in today’s world. And If you are going to create a strip club business, it is a must-have.
This website will be your own space on the internet where you will be able to market your strip club business, gentlemen’s club business, or exotic dancer business to your heart’s desire.
You can hire a web developer to help you set it up or buy ready-made websites.
Make sure the website has the same name as that of your strip club/gentlemen’s club/exotic dancer business name and logo for optimal SEO performance.
d) Use Social Media Marketing
Having a website alone will not bring in more customers. You will need social media accounts that will be able to influence people.
Start with creating groups and pages on Facebook and Instagram, you can expand to youtube as well.
Make sure the name of the social media accounts is the same as that of the business name for consistency.
Be active and try to engage as much as possible with prospective customers.
You can also promote your strip club by providing lucrative pictures along with discounts and offers.
e) Create A Slogan
Slogans are short phrases that are paired with the business name and logo.
Because slogans are quickly memorable and catchy, they will help customers remember the name of your strip club business as well as add character to it.
Make sure the slogan is descriptive and such that it highlights the best parts of your strip club business or exotic dancer business.
To help you with this we have an article on how to create a slogan for your business in 10 easy steps which you should check out.
f) Host On The House Party
One of the branding practices you can use is to host an on-the-house party.
This is a sure way with which you can get a lot of people talking about your strip club quickly or gentlemen’s club business.
People love free food and drinks, if you can provide that at the beginning of your strip club business life, you will be able to create a lot of buzzes and generate crowds.
It might be costly early on but it will turn out to be profitable in the long run.
Advantages Of Creating A Strip Club Business?
There are a lot of advantages if you can create a strip club business. We are mentioning some of them here:
Strip Clubs And Gentlemen’s Club Businesses Are Highly Profitable
Strip clubs are one of the most profitable ventures in any industry. Once you have got everything in order the profit margins are extremely high.
Due to the genre not being explored much – strip clubs are mostly full, plus you can charge higher rates than otherwise.
Constant Flow Of Income
As the owner of an established strip club, you will have a consistent flow of income from the generated profit of the business.
Strip clubs are not seasonal and do not have an expiry date so they will keep proving you a reliable source of income.
Opportunity To Grow And Expand
After you know how to create a strip club business once, you can set up newer ones relatively quicker.
When you generate profit from your existing business, there is enough opportunity in the market to produce new strip clubs elsewhere.
You can even expand your existing strip club by including new food items, drinks, and services.
Strip Club And Exotic Dancer Business Gives Freedom Of Creativity
As a strip club business owner, you will be able to work in an area that you are passionate about.
You will also have complete freedom to let your creativity loose and make changes in every aspect of the business.
Learning Opportunity And Personal Satisfaction
You will be active in all parts of the strip club business activities as the business owner.
This circumstance provides several possibilities to obtain a comprehensive knowledge of the various activities.
With this knowledge, you can place your talents and expertise to good use.
You will also receive personal gratification from putting your ideas into action, interacting with clients, and experiencing your strip club growth.
Strip Club And Exotic Dancer Business Provides Freedom of Independence And Lifestyle
You become your boss as a strip club business owner. No one can fire you.
More importantly, you have the flexibility to make key decisions for the strip club business’s growth.
Since you’re the boss, you get to choose when and where you would like to work.
You do not have to request time off if you wish to spend longer on nonwork hobbies or with your family.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What Is A Strip Club Business?
Strip clubs are places where adults go for entertainment purposes. They are generally designed in the form of a nightclub or bar.
A Strip clubs’ success, like that of other businesses, is primarily determined by location and by consumer spending.
They primarily consist of stripteases and other romantic or magnificent dances.
Much like any bar, except that in a strip club and exotic dancer business there are platforms with metal poles. Strippers are the biggest attraction.
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Strip Club Business?
The amount of money you will need to invest will depend on the scale at which you want to start.
For a large-scale strip club business, you will need hundreds of thousands of dollars.
A medium-scale strip club business or gentlemen’s club business can be started with a few thousand dollars.
If you want a small-scale strip club or an exotic dancer business you can start with a few hundred dollars.
How Much Does A Strip Club Owner Make Yearly?
The amount of money you as a strip club owner will make depends on the popularity, location, age, and scale of your business.
When you are starting, if you have chalked out a good strip club business model then in a prime location, no matter at what scale you are operating, you will see some profit. On average, a successful small strip club owner makes around $2,00,000 to $4,00,000 annually.
Of Course, as your strip club grows more and more popular you will see profits rise.
What Is The Difference Between Strip Club Business And Gentlemen’s Club Business?
Although both strip clubs and gentlemen’s clubs are quite similar in the nature of business. There are however some differences:
- In a gentlemen’s club, the interiors and decor are rather sophisticated and posh, they try to bring in wealthier customers from the age group 30 and up.
- In general, the decor is more rustic and the atmosphere is less fancy in a strip club – they are targeting the younger customer base.
- The music is louder and lights are dimmer in strip clubs than in gentlemen’s clubs.
- If you are starting your business, a gentleman’s club will require much more capital and will have a higher recurring expenditure than a strip club business.
- From the view of your customer – a gentlemen’s club is much costlier to go to than a strip club business.
What Is The Difference Between Strip Club Business And Exotic Dancer Business?
Strips club businesses and exotic dancing businesses have some differences between them. They are as follows:
- The biggest point of difference is that strip clubs sell alcohol and have the necessary permits for it.
- On the other hand, exotic dancer businesses generally do not have such permits and even if they are selling alcohol they are doing it illegally.
If you are planning to start an exotic dancer business we do not endorse you selling alcohol without generating government permits and licenses first.
- The quality of decor and finish is of less quality in an exotic dancer business than that in a strip club business.
- If you start a strip club business the initial investment and recurrent expenditure will be higher than that of starting an exotic dancer business.
- From the customer’s point of view, going to a strip club business is slightly costlier than going to an exotic dancer business.
What Is The Difference Between the Exotic Dancer Business And Gentleman Clubs Business?
There are a lot of differences between an exotic dancer business and a gentlemen’s club business. Some of them are:
- Firstly, a gentlemen’s club provides all the services that the exotic dancer businesses will provide and much more.
- Gentlemen’s clubs have a polished feel to them. They are much more luxurious and have beautifully done interior design when compared to an exotic dancer business.
- It is easier to get government permits and licenses for selling alcohol in a gentlemen’s club than it is in an exotic dancer business.
- Exotic dancer businesses lure a much younger crowd in contrast to gentlemen’s club businesses which attract middle-aged men and above.
- Starting a gentlemen’s club requires much more capital investment and the cost of running your business will also be much higher than exotic dancer businesses.
- On the other hand, from the customer’s standpoint, exotic dancer businesses are much more pocket-friendly.
Where Can You Get Exotic Dancers For A Strip Club Business?
It is not that difficult to get exotic dancers for your strip club business if you know where to look for them.
Even though it might take longer, the easiest place to start is on the internet.
Just set up an ad for the vacancy along with the job description, wage limit, the experience required, etc, and you’re done.
One other way is that you can design a banner along with graphics and advertise it.
You can do it yourself or might need someone to put it up in front of other strip clubs and party hubs in your city.
We have included everything in this article you need to know to create a strip club business, a gentlemen’s club business, and even an exotic dancer business.
Remember that every business needs some time to grow, so do not expect to make profits immediately.
All that you have to do is to plan thoroughly and do everything that you can to the best of your ability.
We hope that you have found this article helpful and enjoyable. Here is us wishing you the best of luck with your upcoming strip club!

Editorial Team at 99BusinessIdeas is a team of experts led by Rupak Chakrabarty with over 25 years of experience in starting and running small businesses. Started in 2010, 99BusinessIdeas is now one of the largest free small business resources in the industry.